Whoa! What a rain storm. Just as the two teams from Florida arrived it poured even harder. We tried frantically to find an umbrella so that they could walk from the bus to the casa without taking a serious shower with clothes on. Mo found an old beach type umbrella and we both made it out to greet the bus without getting soaked. We needed to fit at least three under the umbrella plus the two of us to move things along, and that left me on the fringe. I abandoned the covering and took a shower via God's watering.
We managed to get the two teams up to the room for a brief orientation. That went well. We then showed everyone to their rooms, then uh oh...a guy locked himself out of his room because the keys he had didn't work in his doorknob. We then tried every key we could find anywhere, no luck. Hmmm...decision time. After calling our COTN Dominican leader, Angel, he said if all else fails, break the doorknob, and we will get a new one. My new friend, Sandy, the night guard, called on us to find a favorite trusty tool, a big rock. He then did a beautiful job of smashing the doorknob without damage to the door. Then, our friend who was locked out came up with American's favorite tool, a leather man. Presto...problem solved...we had him back in his room in an instant.
A new doorknob is now needed. )-: but this can be done today. No problema...(-:
One thing came to my mind as the downpour continued...and our frustration was remedied...what must it be like to live in the bateys during a torrential downpour and steady rain. The mud and water streaming through the village (batey) must make life difficult. We are so fortunate, here at the Casa and at home. Give thanks to God for all that we have and know that His heart beats for these less fortunate people
Jesus to the rich young ruler...
Matthew 19:21 (The Message)
21"If you want to give it all you've got," Jesus replied, "go sell your possessions; give everything to the poor. All your wealth will then be in heaven. Then come follow me."