A batey tour is a Venture team's first connection with the children and the community. Americans get a glimpse of life as it is in the batey and feel the love the children extend to them during the visit. As the week goes on, depending on the project, there are more and more opportunities to relate with adults and children. Life is hard in the bateys, yet God's presence brings hope and joy for all who trust in Him. Often times that hope is given through a team member who reaches out to a child or to an adult, with a loving smile or embrace.
I saw this time and time again. It is usually the American who is blessed by God when he or she gives the simplest smile or attempts to communicate in broken Spanish. It is the smallest gift of grace that touches the heart.
I went out several times with teams who provided cement floors for families. On one trip to Altagracia I recognized a young man who came to the basketball clinic last year. This year he was being blessed by a team who gave his family a cement floor for his home. I wish I could remember his name, but he and his wife with their little girl are pictured with me. He was so grateful for the floor and he worked right alongside the team.
The woman with the pan in her hand is sorting out peanuts or some type of nut. She graciously offered me some when I inquired as to what she was doing. Sharing food is so common in the batey, a sign of community and giving from the heart. There is much food to give, but the people seem to share with neighbors when they are in need. Beautiful! Hmmm...I read something about that type of community sharing in Acts 2: 42-45
They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.
Everyone around was in awe—all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met.