Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Casa

The photo shows some of the Casa Batesada where we will be staying this summer along with mission teams from all over the U.S. Each team has a specific vision for their role in serving the Haitian refugees in the bateys. Our main role will be to serve the various mission teams that will be staying at Casa Betesada with us and helping them experience life in the bateys in their specific mission. We will be communicating with the COTN national team and helping them prepare for the international short term missionaries who will come all summer long.

This summer at the Casa we will host the following teams:

a medical team who will be working in the bateys doing surgeries and some family ministry at COTN’s medical clinic.
a team of teachers who will be doing seminars for COTN’s school teachers.
a teaching team who will be doing a series on Environmental Stewardship.
a Vision team is doing vision work and an Environmental Stewardship project in the batey of Don Bosco
a Reach/Build team is doing work painting a school and some children’s ministry work.
a Build team is constructing floors.

These are just a few things some of the COTN Venture teams are doing. Would you consider what God might have you do in forming a team to serve these people. Monique and I would love to help you in seeing your vision become a reality.

Would you prayerfully consider giving to this mission? We are asking God to provide for our travel expenses and our lodging costs during our six week stay. Here is a link you can use to donate online...

Thank you for your prayers not only for our family but for the many teams we will be encouraging this summer.

We are just two weeks away from our departure. Wow!

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