On Saturday night, the night before our 18th wedding anniversary, Monique and I will present the first part of Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage for the church in Los Robles. Please pray that the translation is understood and the message of God's love and plan for marriage comes through clearly. The church is pictured above and the streets of Los Robles are also pictured. We are hoping the young singles will come to the conference and also that the Dvd's will be shown to completion in the days ahead.
This batey, Los Robles, probably has the most Christ followers and the young people really seem to have a heart for God. The Light is definitely visible and present here, quite a contrast from other bateys.
As I have talked with pastors and some of the translators; marriage is viewed a little differently here. It is not too uncommon for men to have a wife and at least one other woman. The wife seems to tolerate this and goes about her job of cooking and caring for the children. The pastor is Los Robles desires to see his community live out marriage as God intended, a beautiful relationship between a man and woman. As Mark Gungor says in his teaching on sexuality, the #1 key to incredible sex is exclusivity.
So...thank you in advance for your prayers. I know pastor Juan Jose will appreciate your prayers as well. There are some beautiful young people in this community who need to hear this message.
Vaya con Dios...
Vic for the fam
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