It is hard to believe that our first teams are leaving the Casa today. Wow! Time is just flying by here. Austin and Jordan spent their morning yesterday pouring a cement floor for a woman in Algodon. I know I have shared with you this project before, but it was so good to see friends Austin and Jordan experiencing this work. Maria...the woman pictured with her children, was so grateful to have this cement floor. She would never have been able to afford it on her own.
The Casa is quiet now. Monique and I, along with other Americans just finished making and each lunch for the Dominican staff here at Casa Batesada. We made them hamburgers and french fries. Oh yeah, we served Coka Cola too, made with sugar not high fructose corn syrup. We are going to a campana tonite in Altagracia. A campana is an outreach/revival meeting from what I can discern. A small church in Barahona is doing the outreach for the Altagracia community and it will be another new experience for us.
Adios for now..
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