Hello friends and family!
Above are some of our first photos: adios San Juan Island and arrival on the island of Hispanola, Dominican Republic - the airport in Santo Domingo. Bethany and Carly are rolling their suitcases to be greeted by our interpreter, Juanchi, who is in the midst of a throng of people who are at the airport to greet arrivals. There has always been a crowd of folks when our plane has arrived, as there are usually several planes arriving in the afternoon. It is quite a scene. We are thankful Juanchi has a COTN sign and we can easily pick him out in the crowd.
One of the interns, Carly, yes two Carly's this summer at the Casa, came in about an hour or so after we arrived. We waited for her. She is pictured in the van photo.
All of the other interns arrived a day later...see them pictured in the other photos I took during their first tour of one of the schools, Pueblo Nuevo. They immediately were surrounded by children, which they loved, as we toured the COTN school and skill center in Pueblo Nuevo.
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