On Saturday we toured the villages (bateys) with the interns. It is always special to see the children and how they melt the hearts of people. The children love to see Americans and love the visits. The tours give the teams a glimpse of life in the batey, before they do their specific projects. Our first two teams arrived Sunday evening, a team from California and our friends Austin Scheffer and Jordan Nash from Friday Harbor. This morning will be a time to see Austin and Jordan connect with the children. It is so good to have them here, as well as the doctors and nurses from So. California.
Our work begins...facilitating the communication and plans each group has for their week here. We also help with organizing the living arrangements here at Casa Batesada. The interns met their Dominican host families yesterday afternoon and they are gone now but will be back in the morning for a time of devotion before going out to the villages to teach math and english. Some will work at the medical clinic too. Monique and Bethany are leading them and are doing a great job. They had so much fun with the Flag Page, getting to know and understand each other, as they will be working together all summer.
That is all for now...Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. It is very hot and humid here. The Dominicans tell us it is unusally hot for June...coming from the northwest it all seems relatively HOT, no matter if it is just a few degrees different. June is usually the finish of a rainy season, but this year the sun is blazing so far.
Adios, hasta luego,
Vic for the fam
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