The day is here for our first departure; Carly and I fly out at 11 a.m. Wow! I can't hardly believe this day has finally arrived. It is going to be a long day hopping from airport to airport; first Seattle to Dallas, then Dallas to Boston, then a stop-over in Miami and finally on to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Sleeping in airports has never been, very very good to me....so your prayers would be much appreciated.
The photos above will keep me going today. I can't wait to see some of our fantastic translators, see pictured in funny hats. (Joselito, Daniela and Cookie) I also eagerly look forward to seeing the kids again, see photos...Carly with a little boy in her arms...Austin and Jordan working with girls to produce a beautiful mural last summer.
Monique is coming next week, as she is staying home to help Ellie in recovery from a tonsilectomy. Ellie is healing and feeling a little better each day. Our Friday Harbor DR team is coming June 23rd and is busy collecting shoes for the guys who will be part of the basketball camp. If you have any athletic shoes in your closet, please consider donating them for our young friends in the Dominican Republic. Call 378-8435 to find out the locations where you can drop them off.
We have received so many generous gifts to make this mission trip a reality. Praise God! In addition to financial gifts, my friend Greg Crimp (Sports Cellar Sporting Goods in Coeurd'Alene, ID) has donated two dozen basketballs and a few nets and ball pumps for our camp. This is a tremendous blessing and will make our camp so much better.
Well...I've go to go...time to navigate the airport in Seattle...
Thanks for your support and prayers...until the next post...maybe from Casa Batesada.
Vic for Carly
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